Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Supreme Courts, Information Tribunals and now a Public Inquiry...

Today I, along with hundreds of other people presumably, received a letter from the Secretary of State for Transport. Because of the 'information' that he had had put before him regarding Persimmons' application to stop up Majuba Road, he has decided to call for a public inquiry into the whole matter.

This, along with the Petition of the House of Lords/Supreme Court and the Information Tribunal regarding the councils financial commitment to providing the sea defence in Coatham when it is supposed to be the sole responsibility of Persimmon, is a yet another massive set back for the Council, Persimmon and their disastrous ( To quote Vera Baird ) scheme.

More than this, all of these actions will put the real and true facts about this development into the public domain and that is something that neither the council or their preferred developer have ever really wanted.

When will these arrogant people realise that the people of this area will not just lie down, roll over and go away until the full truth is known.

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