Thursday, November 06, 2008

Pinocchio Dunning...a cartoon leader of a desperate council Part 3.

Finally, in George Dunnings response to our press release, he states that he has had no reply to his email from Redcarpet. He clearly states

"He said he had received no reply after emailing Red Carpet"

Wait for it folks...Pinocchio Dunnings nose is about to grow a few more inches because here is a chronology of the correspondences between Project Management, the agents working on behalf of Redcarpet and not only to the council, but exactly to whom in the council and what each correspondence was about...

The chronology of events is as follows:

16 May 08 Project management wrote to Amanda Skelton (cc to George Dunning) on behalf of Redcarpet, inviting them to a meeting to discuss the Redcarpet scheme.

17 May 08, Redcarpet press release is printed in the Gazette but strangely George Dunning tells the newspaper that and I quote, "It's a peculiar situation where this organisation is proposing these schemes but not talking to us about them? We are always happy to talk to anyone about proposals for this borough. We could possibly work together". HE'D ALREADY BEEN CONTACTED THE DAY BEFORE HE SAID THAT HE'D HAD NO CONTACT???

30 May 08Public Presentation of Scheme at the Coatham Bowl (No-one from the council turns up)

4 June 08 CEO Amanda Skelton, replies to Project management for the very first time in two weeks, referring matter to Ian Wardle as Head of Regeneration and Penny Furniss, Head of Planning.

5 June 08 George Dunning replies to Project management, referring to Skelton's letter and confirming that Wardle will contact us upon return from holiday. He copies his email to councillors and officers of RCBC.?

Ian Wardle writes offering an alternative site to Coatham.

20 August 08 Project management write to the council suggesting meeting in September.

22 August 08 Ian Wardle replies stating and I quote that he was "looking forward to the meeting in September"He copies his letter to Dunning and others.

No meeting takes place.

7 October 08 Project management write suggesting meeting by the end of October

15 October 08 Ian Wardle agrees to a meeting at 5pm on 30 October.

21 October 08 Ian Wardle cancels meeting in writing stating that he is "too busy for at least next 2 weeks".

Perhaps Pinocchio Dunning could tell people exactly how many times do Redcarpet have to contact the council before he admits it in public and perhaps he could also tell people just exactly what Redcarpet have to do in order to get a council, who are desperate for people to provide leisure facilities in Redcar specifically Coatham, without having to borrow millions of pounds, to have a meeting with them?

It is clear to see from the chronology above, that despite the untrue statements that Dunning makes in the press, they don't want to talk to Redcarpet about their leisure scheme at all. More than this, they are clearly misleading the public in the press and under the FOI act.

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