Monday, December 24, 2007

Its time for the public to act.

In the final week of the year, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council have been found in the High Court, by a High Court judge, guilty of holding an unlawful, biased planning meeting and
as a result, he then totally quashed the Coatham Enclosure planning permission. In the planning permission being totally quashed, a national precedent has been set. This is now of national importance and it is a massive body blow for the councils, by their own admission, tainted and botched, Coatham housing estate.
They have shown their usual arrogance, which is always the trade mark of the corrupt and stated that this is merely a costly set back to the scheme. They have tried to shift focus from the major issues onto the minor ones.But the major issue, something that no matter how hard the guilty try is not going to go away, is THAT THIS COUNCIL HAVE BEEN FOUND IN THE HIGH COURT TO HAVE ACTED UNLAWFULLY AND IN A BIASED WAY OVER THE ISSUE OF COATHAM. Not only that ALL THE COUNCIL OFFICERS CONNECTED WITH THIS, ALL THE COUNCILLORS CONNECTED WITH THIS AND THE MP HERSELF, ARE IMPLICATED UP TO THEIR NECKS!!!


When you take into consideration that as a result of the whole council and MP not doing anything to stop this unlawful process and decision, Persimmon Homes would have made millions and millions of pounds of private profit, then serious questions have to be asked as to why the process was not stopped, why it was not called in or investigated? When all concerned knew how unlawful it was why did they do NOTHING? Why was this council and MP happy to let a private developer make millions of pounds of profit on the back of a planning process and decision that they all knew was UNLAWFUL.

The council are an absolute disgrace. They are corrupt. They have lied. Recently we exposed the extent of their corruption. Suppressing audit reports which show that they aren’t a four star authority. Colluding with the audit commission in order to do this and replace the damning report. Changing council minutes. Officers lying to councilors and the public. Bullying, harassment and intimidation by the officers. Concealing the fact that there hasn’t been a traffic regulation order in place giving them the authority to put parking tickets on people for not displaying a permit and yet still charging people for not doing so. Not even offering the public who have been wrongly penalized to claim their money back. And now, they have been found in the High Court, guilty of holding an unlawful and biased Coatham planning meeting.

These people are not fit to hold public office. They are not fit to be paid the massive sums of money that they are. They are desperately trying to cover their own backs because the extent of their corruption is there for all to see. Could it be that the MP is trying to assist them in this task ? Why would she ask the acting Chief Executive Ray Richardson, a man who has been featured in two back to back, editions of Private Eye for being involved in the suppression of the audit commissions financial report and lying and withholding information from the councilors, to conduct an inquiry into the claims made in our film? This is a classic case of 'the poacher turned game keeper' and nothing more than an attempt to whitewash the situation and stop the truth from really being investigated independently. They are trying desperately to keep it in house. She stated in the posting on her blog that had serious concerns about the claims made in our film, but if she did have serious concerns, then she would not have asked this man of all people to investigate basically his own actions and the actions of the officers who have been involved in all of the shameful activities that have come to light, along with him.

She says she has concerns but then she stops our film being shown in the House of Commons and stifles free speech and debate and stops our chance to have it shown to an independent audience of journalists and public figures who could help us get the actions of this council investigated independently, by threatening the MP who had told us he would be neglecting his duty if he did not help us, into canceling the room in the House of Commons that he had booked for us, so we could not show our film. She was even ecconomical with the truth with this MP, telling him that the things that we say and the things that are in our film are not based in fact. What an absolute showing up for her now that a High Court Judge has totally ignored the smears and the lies told by the council in their High Court statements and ruled in our favour, so vindicating all the truthful things that we have been saying for three and a half years and so condemning all the lies the council have been telling.

When the High Court Judge ruled in our favour and set a national precedent by quashing the planning permission, did our Vera speak out about the unlawful,biased verdict? Did she express outrage at the shame that the council in her constituency is bringing on her constituency? Did she call for a full, independent investigation. No. She tried to play down the judges ruling. She tried to use it as way of attacking the old coalition who were in charge of the council just prior to the planning meeting and stir up animosity by saying that the protestors had cost the tax payers money because of the actions of the old coalition. What she carefully steered away from, was the fact that Labour councilors took part in the planning meeting too and then when they took control of the council shortly after the planning meeting and knowing that what had happened was unlawful, THEY DID NOTHING TO STOP IT!
What she also forgot to mention is that the ordinary, decent, members of the public who did what those in authority should have done but didn’t, are tax payers too!

This tainted, biased web, spreads far and wide and questions have to be answered. Why did no one say anything or speak out preferring to let it sail along, unhindered, with FULL CROSS PARTY BACKING? Something else that was agreed AFTER the planning meeting.

Why have the local press failed to even touch on the things that have been published in Private Eye? Things that were presumably run past Private Eyes solicitors and things that to our knowledge have had no actions taken against them by the council or the audit commission. Why did they make out that it had been a blow for Coatham when the council had been found in a High Court of acting unlawfully?
This should have been the theme that was concentrated on. But the press, after putting this national precedent setting story towards the backs of their papers, preferred to make out that a ‘spanner had been put in the works’ so giving the impression to the reader that we had spoiled this 'fantastic' scheme because we had dared to stop the unlawful planning process that the councilors, officers and MP hadn’t bothered to even question!

It is up to every last self respecting person who cares not just about this town, but the truth, to stand up and be counted now. This corruption and the cover up and whitewash that they are attempting, cannot be allowed to win the day. It must be fought and truth and decency must triumph.

Contact as many MP’s from other constituencies, government bodies, our police force, other police forces, as you can. Write as many letters, make as many phone calls, make as much noise as you can, in order to draw attention to what is happening here and lets have this situation investigated independently once and for all.

I'd like to thank every last person who has had the courage to stand up and be counted, offer information, or help in any way with this campaign.


Chris McGlade.

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