Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The truth is on tour...

"Coatham...a Common Concern" a film that attracted 600 to Coatham Church in three nights, is now going on the road. Here are some more dates and venues...

Thur 21st May:..NEW MARSKE Club
Frid.29th May:.. SALTBURN Community Theatre
Thur 4th .June: .LAZENBY Club
Tues 9th .June: GUISBOROUGH Quoit Club
Wed 10th June:.REDCAR Priory Club
Thur 18th June:.MARSKE Working Men's Club

All 7.30pm - Admission free / donations welcomeexcept Saltburn which is £3 due to hire of venue & cinema equipment.

We are aiming to show this film in as many venues across this borough and this area in order to show the real truth about this Coatham Development to as many people as we possibly can. The councils lies, arrogance, failure, ineptitude, secrecy, mismanagement and misuse of public money regarding this scheme will be shown backed up with all of the facts and all of the documents.

No mealy mouthed rubbish, half answers, spin, or downright lies...

Just the truth. www.pancrack.tv/news.html

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