Friday, May 08, 2009

Found it!

Here is Mr Robert Goodwills original staement from November 2007. We had worked on it jointly. I drafted something and he made the slight ammendments to it ( In blue ). I have copied and pasted the text taken from the email. It starts with my email to him and he replies to me offering his suggested changes.

And all of this was all done without seeing the film, in any form? So why is he complaining so badly now and retracting his support, because of seven minutes of extra footage that he had already been informed about the content of?

This is a copy of that email...

Here are my suggested changes


Robert Goodwill MP for Scarborough & Whitby Shadow Transport Minister House of Commons London SW1A 0AA p: 020 7219 8268 f: 020 7219 8108

From: Christopher McGlade Sent: 27 November 2007 13:02To: GOODWILL, RobertSubject: Statement
Dear Mr Goodwill,

I have slightly tweaked the statement that you gave me for our press release over the phone last night, to read as it appears below. Is this ok? I am also going to phone Julie Moody ( someone he wanted to put us in touch with in East Cleveland regarding this matter ) later on this afternoon and speak with her about the situation here in Redcar and Cleveland.
The thing that a lot of people are disappointed with, no matter what their political persuasion may be, is the lack of leadership from our MP's regarding this issue.

Both Vera Baird and Ashok Kumar have been presented with information about the behaviour and actions of this council, in particular its officers and yet neither of them have done or said anything about it. In 2005 if I remember correctly, I went to see Ashok. I brought to his attention what information we had then. He asked me outright if I believed the council to be corrupt and I told him that I did, but he did nothing. Vera Baird was given the dossier that the ex-barrister compiled, that we sent to you a couple of days ago and she was also given all of the information about the PCT and the conflict of interests between the Chief Executive of the council and his wife who was a board member of the PCT, as well as information about some £360,000+ going 'astray' in the PCT and she too has done nothing.

People are wondering after the Private Eye article, why they have made no comment? Would you do the same?
We feel terribly let down and saddened that we feel like we cannot go to our own MP's for help, but thats how a lot of people are feeling, staunch Labour people too and thats just not acceptable.

The statement is as follows.

Robert Goodwill MP for Scarborough and Whitby, who responded to the concerns of one of his constituents about the situation in Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council said, "Following the Private Eye article and after having seen a large amount of supporting documentation there are a number of significant questions that officers of the council have not answered and seemingly are not answering. If they cannot clarify the issues that have been raised then surely the only way forward is to have a full, independent, investigation".

Could you let me know as soon as you can if this is fine? Thankyou very much for all your help and patience,



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