Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Waiting in the wings? Hahahahahahahahaha!

In tonights Evening Gazette 'Leader' of the council George Dunning said in a letter that the "state of the art Coatham leisure development, was still waiting in the wings". What rubbish!

This country is sliding further and further into recession, the worst for sixty years according to the Chancellor. The building trade has ground to a halt. Persimmon have slipped out of the FTSE 100 share index. They are closing down branches all over the country, paying thousands of people off, not starting work on new sites, some people in the South have paid deposits of ten thousand pounds to be told by Persimmon "sorry, but were not staring work on your house for a long time", no-one can get a mortgage. There are also 47 planning conditions that Persimmon have to address, not one has been, in particular, the construction of a multi million pound sea defence. And to cap it all, the council have been demoted to two star status which in turn, massively affects their ability to borrow money to pay for things within the borough, which is what they were going to do (borrow ten and a half million pounds) to build a new lesiure centre, the only leisure facility in the Coatham scheme.

The Coatham Enclosure housing scheme is dead. The council know it, Persimmon know it, the public know it. But Dunning and co. the man who called the scheme tainted, the man who said that he had known all along that the planning process for it had been unlawful along with an MP who called it a disaster on radio, are still trying to make people believe otherwise.

Dunning says "it's still waiting in the wings", but he has no choice. He has to say that because of this council signing a development agreement for Coatham, JUST TWO DAYS BEFORE THE LOCAL ELECTIONS LAST YEAR SOMETHING THAT A HIGH COURT JUDGE SAID WAS HIGHLY IRREGULAR AND THREE WEEKS BEFORE G.O.N.E HAD EVEN MADE A DECISION AS TO WHETHER OR NOT TO CALL THE SCHEME IN, that ties the council to Persimmon and to a scheme that is dead in the water.

How did our council end up in a position whereby they have been tied to a scheme that is not going to happen, that they cant walk away from? George Dunning knows that an investigation into this scheme isn't far away. An MP from a different constituency has already been stopped by our MP from calling for an INDEPENDENT investigation.

Its about time one took place and all the underhanded, inept, decisions and behaviour that have been made and taken place, be exposed for all to see and its about time that the council bit the bullet and came clean, instead of making silly comments on the Gazette letters page, in an attempt to try and placate people who are sick of the lack of facilities in the town. Its time they booted Persimmon and their and I quote the MP, "DISASTROUS scheme", into touch and accepted the full leisure development that has been tabled by Redcarpet developments, so that we can have the leisure facilities that Redcar needs.

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