Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Telephone conversation with Mr Moore's Secretary

Here is a copy of an email sent from Colin Moore the Chief Executive to Cllr Mike Findley. See how Mr Moore claims that I was abusive etc. to his secretary. This has been the deliberate line that Colin moore and other council officers and cabinet members have taken in a deliberate attempt to blacken my name. Mr Moore's wild and scurrilous allegations in this email to Mike Findley are absolute lies. Colin Moore is an absolute liar. Please listen to the recording of the phone call that I made when I spoke to Colin Moore's secretary. The proof of this detestable liar's lies are there for all to hear.

From: To: Mike Findley Cc: ; Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:31 AM Subject: Re: Allegations of contaminated sand at Coatham Brian McClean is a long standing and highly respected officer with no axe to grind. I believe his version of events and that of the staff at McAlpines. You may also like to know that shortly after these events Mr McGlade was extremely rude, aggressive and abusive to my secretary, which is how he normally behaves. Colin Moore

Click here to listen to the call

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